Felipe Benjumea

Felipe graduated with a Law Degree from Deusto University, in Bilbao, and broaden his education in Economy at The Economics Institute, Boulder/Colorado, USA. His career has always been dedicated to renewable energies. In 1983, he joined the Board of Directors of Abengoa, and he took the Presidency in 1991, a position that he held until 2015. During those years, the company expanded around the world, turning Abengoa into a reference multinational in the renewable energies industry, with a firm commitment to R&D&I. He joined H2B2 in October 2016 as a strategic advisor, and he was appointed President in November 2018. In parallel with his executive responsibilities, he has also held positions on the Boards of Trustees of many foundations dedicated to promoting arts and education, and he has been a member of different Boards of Directors of important companies in the fields of aviation, telecommunications, and finance, among others.